This site will address :
Guitar tuning problems
Fixing intonation
Guitar intonation setup
Did you ever wonder why, after you tune your guitar as well as you can, it never
sounds in tune when you play different chords ?? Especially open chords.
That is because all guitars are manufactured with an inherant flaw !
For the same reason that guitars are intonated at the 12th fret to compensate for the string stretch that occurs
when pressing to fret, the nut also needs compensating. WHY ? Because each string has a different diameter
and a different mass, and therefor stretches at a DIFFERENT RATE relative to each other (just plain physics).
This is why literally all guitars play out of tune to one degree or another in the first 6 to 8 frets. Most of us just "get used" to it, or try to compromise by de-tuning the infamous G, or B, ot Low E.
This can now be corrected with the "Custom compensated Nut" which will make your guitar play "IN TUNE"
in every chord over the whole neck !! Once the compensation is done, each string plays so much more in tune
that you will experience a "third dimention" to your guitars sound.

I have been a guitar tech for over 30 years and have a collection of more than 30 guitars. I was never satisfied with the tuning of these guitars until I discovered that you can compensate the nut, just as you intonate the guitar at the bridge for the perfect tuning solution. I do the work here, so each guitar is custom compensated for your style, string gauge, action height, etc. Every guitar is different and deserves the best solution to sound as sweet as it can. Click on the picture links to see more examples, and check my customer comments.
All electric, acoustic, acoustic / electric, six, seven, eight, and twelve string guitars can be done.
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